Areas of the Mutlnomah County, Oregon grouped into 5 clusters based on patterns of building age.
Each building is plotted individually using the colour assigned to its own cluster.
(data from City of Portland Open Data Initiative, background OSM) |
A few months ago
I wrote about how different parts of cities have radically different development patterns. I illustrated this with examples from three cities which I am familiar with, but all my interpretation was subjective. I was therefore very interested in a
blog post by MapBox about the Open Data building footprints for the metro area of Portland, Oregon. Apart from the fact that this is a comprehensive data set the most interesting thing is that most (around 87%) of the buildings have a data associated with them. It therefore seemed like a perfect data set to see if one could classify areas of a city in terms of the profile of building activity.
My basic idea was to do something along the following lines:
- Partition the buildings into contiguous equal sized groups
- Create some kind of time-series for each group reflecting building history
- Run a clustering algorithm against the latter data
- See if it produced interesting results